Tuesday, 26 September 2017

New Tutorial by Rhonda 'Hayride Anyone?' ptu

Another fantastic Tag/tutorial from Rhonda at Rhonda's Rockin' Designz. Created using my template #65. You can check out her tutorial HERE

Monday, 18 September 2017

Ftu Poison

This tutorial was written by myself. This tag is my own idea and creation.
Any similarity to any other tutorial or tag is co incidental.
Please read my tutorial basics (located top left sidebar) before you begin.

Supplies Needed
Ftu Scrap Kit 'Poison' by MizTeeque   HERE
Tube of choice. I have used 'Janette' by Misticheskaya at  PFD
Mask 171 by MizTeeque  HERE
( Don't forget to leave a ty when snagging freebies:)
Font Used - Nightmare 5
No Filters

Open a new image 700x700.
From the kit c/paste element 40 - Pentagram resized to 75%.
 Position centre of canvas and d/shadow.
Above this layer and again centre of canvas c/paste element 51 Cabinet resized to 50%. D/shadow.
C/paste and position chosen tube roughly centre of canvas. D/shadow.

With tube now in place continue to work desired elements around it to build up your tag. D/shadow as you go.
 I used...

100 Leaves - 30%. Position bottom right. Duplicate and mirror the copy to the left. duplicate again and place this copy bottom centre.

43 Cauldron - 50%. Place right behind tube layer.

70 Bird - 15%. Position on right as though sitting on the edge of the cauldron.

49 Spell books - 30%. Bottom of canvas behind tube layer.

60 Hat - 30%. Bottom right behind leaves.

28 Skull - 15%. Rotate right by 8 degrees. Place bottom right behind leaves above hat.

9 Bottle - 15%. Position bottom right behind skull layer.

98 Ivy - 40%. Place right above cauldron behind the hat layer.

109 Pumpkin cluster - 30%. Position bottom left behind tube layer.

19 Sign - 40%. Place left behind Pumpkin cluster.

36 Pestle & Mortar - 20%. Bottom left above Pumpkin cluster layer.

104 Sparkle - 20%. Position on the right behind the cauldron layer. Duplicate and mirror copy to the left above the sign.

Mask layer - C/paste paper 3 resized to 85%. Load mask from disk - fit to layer. In layer palette, delete mask and merge group.
Duplicate mask layer and re size to 40%. Move to the bottom right of the image then duplicate and mirror copy to the left.

Merge all layers. Crop to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

New Tutorial From Rhonda 'Falling 4 You' Ptu

Beautiful new tag/tutorial by Rhonda @ Rhonda's Rockin' Designz. Created using my template #62.
You can check out this and many other of Rhonda's fab tutorials HERE

Monday, 4 September 2017

Ftu Hello Autumn

This tutorial was written by myself. This tag is my own idea and creation.
Any similarity to any other tutorial or tag is co incidental.
Please read my tutorial basics (located top left sidebar) before you begin.

Supplies Needed
Ftu scrap kit 'Sweet Autumn' by GOF Designs  HERE
Tube of choice. I have used 'Maple Leaves' by VeryManyTubes
Template #65 by Me  HERE

Filters used (optional)
Tramages - Mo Jellyfish
Photoeffex - Scanlines
Xero - Radiance

Open template, shift D to duplicate. Close original.
Layer Palette - Layer 1. Selections - Select all - Float. C/paste paper 4 resized to 90%. Selections - Invert - Delete. Select none. Delete original temp layer.

Layer Palette -Layer 2 - Duplicate, merge down.

Layer Palette - Merge layers 3 & 4.  Selections - Select all - Float. C/paste paper 3 resized to 90%. Selections - Invert - Delete. Select none. Delete temp layer.
Float the layer again. Select all - Float. Apply - Effects - Texture Effects - Fur (default settings) Select none. Move this layer behind Layer 1.

Layer Palette - Layer 5. Selections - Select all - Float. C/paste paper 7 with a gaussian blur of 6. Selections - Invert - Delete. Select none. Delete template layer. Apply Tramages - mo jellyfish (settings below)
Tile size - 30  Offset - 173  Shading - 132

Re float this layer. Selections - Select all - Float. C/paste a close up of your tube within the selected area. When happy with placement go to Selections - Invert - Delete. Select None. Working on close up - Apply Xero - Radiance to suit your chosen tube then apply PhotoEffex - Scanlines (default settings).
Duplicate close up. Change blend mode of bottom copy to hard light and top copy blend mode Screen and reduce opacity to 50.

Layer Palette - Layer 6. Selections - Select all - float. C/paste paper 4 resized to 60%. Selections - Invert - Delete. Select none. Apply Tramages - Mo Jellyfish. (settings as before) D/shadow. Delete template layer.

C/paste, position and d/shadow your tube. Place to the right of template behind word art layer.
Now add some elements, d/shadow as you go. I used...

37 Purple Leaves - 35%. Position top left behind close up layer. Duplicate mirror copy to right. Merge down. Duplicate layer and flip.

98 Berry Branch. Place behind close up, top of template. Duplicate, mirror copy and move to far left above purple leaves.

25 Leaves - 60%. Bottom left behind tube layers.

31 Bird - 25%. Bottom left above word art.

48 Lavender - 30%. Rotate right by 21 degrees. Position bottom left behind leaves. Duplicate and mirror copy to bottom right.

80 Dried Flowers - 30%. Rotate right 90 degrees. Position bottom left above lavender. Duplicate and mirror copy to bottom right.

6 Fungi - 30%. Image - mirror. Rotate right by 21 degrees. Place centrally,behind tube layer, above close up.

85 Nut - 30%. Bottom right behind dried flowers.

Merge all layers. Crop to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo

Tag By Silvia

Tag Template 65


Gorgeous tags by Dena

Beautiful tag by Silvia 

Gorgeous tag by Karenality

Sunday, 3 September 2017

New tutorial from Rhonda 'Fall Days' Ptu

Fantastic new tag/tutorial from Rhonda @ Rhonda's Rockin' Designz.
Created using my Template #64, the colours are amazing I love it.
You can check out her tutorial HERE

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

FTU Mirror Mirror

This tutorial was written by myself. This tag is my own idea and creation.
Any similarity to any other tutorial or tag is co incidental.
Please read my tutorial basics (located top left sidebar) before you begin.

Supplies Needed
Ftu Scrap kit 'Sweet Gothic Pirates' by GOFDesigns  HERE
Side facing Tube. I have used the beautiful artwork of Laguna available to purchase at Pics For Design  (you will need to obtain a licence)
Word Art by Me (optional) If you would like to use it  HERE
Mask of choice. I used Mask Wsl 414 by Chelle  HERE
Font Used - Pirata One.

Filters Used
EyeCandy4000 - Gradient Glow and Shadowlab.

Open a new image 700x700.
From kit c/paste element 54 Oval resized to 80%. Centre of canvas.
C/paste element 88 Rose cluster resized to 80%. Position top centre, behind Oval.
Duplicate. Image - Flip copy to bottom centre, again behind Oval.
Duplicate bottom copy. Rotate right by 90 degrees. Position on the left side behind Oval.
Duplicate this copy and Image - Mirror to the right. 
4 copies in total.
In layer palette move  the top and bottom copies above the left/right side copies.
When happy with placement merge all 4 layers.
Apply Eyecandy - Gradient glow. 
Color - White - Thin.

Then apply a Shadow. I used Eyecandy - Shadowlab 
Settings below.
Once applied, repeat but change the offset direction to 135.

C/paste and position your tube to left of your image. Above Oval layer.
Now go back to your Oval layer. Using magic wand tool click in the centre to float the black inner. Duplicate your tube and resize to 85%. Move behind original tube layer.
Position within the floating selection so that it resembles a reflection. 
Go to Selections - Invert - Delete. Select None.
Change blend mode of tube copy to Luminance Legacy. Duplicate and change blend mode of this copy (top copy)  to screen.
Go back to your original tube layer and shadow.

Lets add some elements. d/shadow as you go. On certain elements I used Eyecandy Shadowlab ( settings as before only no repeat/direction change) 

91 Open Book - 50%. Bottom of tag above tube layer. Once positioned use eraser tool to remove any Rose Cluster that shows beneath the book.

99 Crow - 30%. Sit on/above the book layer.

94 Candelabra - 50%. Place behind book/crow/tube layers. Shadowlab.

111 Book Stack - 40%. Bottom right behind candelabra. Shadowlab.

75 Mouse - 30%. Adjust - Hue & Saturation - Colorize. Both set at 0. Position on top of book stack.

70 Roses - 40%. Adjust - Hue & Saturation - Colorize - Hue 130 Saturation 255. Duplicate. Change blend mode of top copy to Screen. Merge layer down. Place bottom right of image, behind open book above book stack. Duplicate, position copy a little further up behind crow.

17 Sparkle - 50%. Position above the Oval behind the tube layers.

42 Cobweb - 25%. Duplicate - blend mode Screen on top copy, merge down. Place bottom right behind book stack. Duplicate and Image - Mirror copy to left. Move up slightly.

C/paste the Word Art and position bottom left.

Mask Layer - Paper 9 resized to 95%. Go to layers - Load mask from disk. In layer palette, delete mask and merge group. 

Merge all layers. Crop to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo

Wonderful version of Mirror Mirror by Patty.

Beautiful tag by Silvia

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

FTU La Bella Vita

This tutorial was written by myself. This tag is my own idea and creation.
Any similarity to any other tutorial or tag is co incidental.
Please read my tutorial basics (located top left sidebar) before you begin.

Supplies Needed
Ftu Scrap kit ' Bellissimo Vita' by Elli's Creations  HERE
Tube of choice.
I have used 'Nicole' by Toriya at  ScrapsNCompany
Font Used - Matchbox

Filters Used
Xero - Simplicity
Mura's Meister - Copies

Open a new image 700x700.
From kit, copy/paste element 36 Window in the centre of canvas and resize to 65%.
Behind this layer C/paste and position Element 35 Masked Image. Resize to 55%. Duplicate layer and merge down. Go back to Window layer, D/shadow and merge down.

C/paste Element 15 Flower. Resize to 50%. Apply Mura's Meister - Copies - Encircle. Settings below.

Position behind Window layer. Slightly off centre to the left of canvas. Refer to my Image as a guide. Duplicate and Mirror copy to the right. Merge these 2 layers and apply Xero - Simplicity. Settings below.

C/paste Element 4 Column. Resize to 50%. Position on the left of canvas above Encircle layer behind Window layer. Duplicate and mirror copy to right. Again refer to my image. Merge both Column layers. D/shadow.

 C/paste, position and d/shadow your chosen tube.

Continue to add desired elements from kit to build up your tag. D/shadow as you go.
I used...

62 Branches. Resized to 40%. Position left above Column, behind Window. Duplicate and Mirror copy to right.

8 Jug. Resized to 30%. Bottom Left. Above Window layer. Behind tube.

22 Herb Pot. Resized to 30%. Image - Mirror. Bottom left above Jug behind tube.

58 Cat. Resized to 25%. Image - Mirror. Bottom left above Herb Pot, behind tube layer.

32 Butterfly. Resized to 40%. Position on left above Branches.

3 Grapes. Resized to 20%. Bottom right above tube layer.

30 Book. Resized to 40%. Bottom of tag above tube layer.

Merge all layers. Crop to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo

Tag by Silvia

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Tag templates 63 & 64

Tags I made with these templates. 

Tube 'Brenda' by Alehandra_Vanhek  at PFD
Kit 'Autumn is here' by Elli's Creations
 Template Font - Atlantic Cruise

Tube 'Eva' by Grafik at PFD
Kit 'Golden days of autumn' by GoldDust
Template Font - Copasetic

2 wonderful tags by Silvia

Beautiful tags by Rhonda

Friday, 4 August 2017


This tutorial was written by myself. This tag is my own idea and creation.
Any similarity to any other tutorial or tag is co incidental.
Please read my tutorial basics (located top left sidebar) before you begin.

Supplies Needed
Ftu scrap kit 'Autumn day' by Zaza @  Scrap And Tubes
Tube of choice. I have used the wonderful artwork of Kajenna @ Pics For Design
Word art by me HERE
Font used Atlantic Cruise.

No filters.
Open a new image 700 x 700.
From kit copy/paste element 14 Frame resize to 60%.
Using magic wand tool click in centre to float the inner.
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3.
C/paste  Paper 1 resize to 50%. Move behind frame in layer palette.
Selections - Invert - Delete. Select none.
Go back to frame. Duplicate. Change blend mode on top copy to Multiply then merge layer down. D/shadow the frame then merge down with paper layer.

C/paste and position your tube at this point. It will help with the placement of the elements. I positioned slightly off centre more toward the left of the frame.

From kit C/paste Element 16 Red Flower. Position behind the frame bottom right of the canvas. Duplicate and mirror copy to the left. Merge down and d/shadow.
Behind this layer C/paste Element 49 Wreath resized to 50%.
Position bottom left of canvas. Slightly lower than previous layer. Again duplicate. Mirror copy to right and merge down.

C/paste element 46 yellow flower cluster. Resize to 50%. Position behind the frame at the top right of the canvas. Duplicate. Mirror the copy to left. Duplicate again and place the third copy top centre in between the other copies. Merge all 3. 
C/paste the word art and position above this layer.

C/paste Element 9 Flowers/basket. Resize to 50%. Position on the left above the frame, behind your tube. Duplicate mirror copy to right. Merge down. D/shadow.

C/paste Element 41 Birdhouse. Resize to 80%. Place on the right above Flower/basket, behind tube layer. D/shadow. On top of the Birdhouse sit Element 23 Bird resized to 25%. Mirror. D/shadow.

Bottom right of canvas above the Birdhouse c/paste Element 27 Berries. D/shadow.
Then above this layer still bottom right of the canvas place element 15 Mushrooms resized to 50%. D/shadow.

Place Element 17 Branches centre of canvas behind your tube.

Element 24 Acorns resized to 25%. Position bottom left above tube layer.

Merge all layers. Crop to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo

Cute Tag by Silvia

Another Cutie..This one is by Linda. 

And this kitty cutie is by Patty

Thursday, 3 August 2017

New tutorial from Rhonda 'You give me fever' ptu

Awesome new tutorial from Rhonda @ Rhonda's Rockin' Designz.
Created using my template #58

Click HERE to find this and many other fantastic tuts from Rhonda.

Sunday, 30 July 2017

New tutorial from Rhonda.. 'Fun In The Sun' Ptu

Super cute new tutorial from Rhonda @ Rhonda's Rockin' Designz.
Created using my Template #48 and 1 of my favourite tubes by Laguna.

You can find this fabulous tutorial  HERE 

Friday, 28 July 2017

FTU Gone Fishing

This tutorial was written by myself. This tag is my own idea and creation.
Any similarity to any other tutorial or tag is co incidental.
Please read my tutorial basics (located top left sidebar) before you begin.

Supplies Needed
Ftu Scrap kit 'Magic of the Ocean' by Graphics of Fantasy Designs  HERE
Tube. I have used 'Kitten and Goldfish by Laguna  Picsfordesign.com
Mask 2 set 135 by Rachel Designs  HERE
Save to mask folder.

No Filters used. 

Open a new image 700x700.
Starting with the mask layer. From kit c/paste paper 4. Resize to 90%.
Load mask from disk - fit to layer.
In layer palette, delete mask and merge group. 
Resize to 90%.

From kit c/paste Element 85 Rope resized to 80%. Rotate right 90 degrees.
Using magic wand tool click in the centre to float the inner.
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4.
From kit c/paste Element 28 Fishing net resized to 70%. Move below Rope in layer palette.
Move the net around until you are happy with  how it looks within the Rope frame.
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select none.
Duplicate Net layer. Change blend mode of top copy to Multiply. Merge down.
Drop shadow the rope layer and again merge down.
Go to Effects - Image Effects - Offset . Change vertical offset to 20 and apply.

Copy and paste your chosen tube. Position roughly centre of canvas. You can jig it around to your liking as the other elements go on. D/shadow. 
Now lets add some elements.
D/shadow as you go...

44 Sand. Resized to 80%.  Position along the bottom behind your tube layer. Duplicate. Go to bottom copy and Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur 2.

87 Water Ripple. Resized to 80%. Rotate right by 2 degrees. Place at bottom above the sand. Just slightly lower down the canvas.

26 Grass. Resized to 60%. Position at the left side of tag, above the rope behind tube layer.

18 Paper boat. Resized to 30%. Place left above grass, behind tube.

82 Starfish. Resized to 20 %. Bottom left above boat layer.

138 Mosquito. Resized to 20%. Position on the left above the grass. Duplicate. Mirror the copy and position elsewhere on the grass. Merge down so that both insects are on the same layer. Duplicate again to make them stand out more.

58 Mooring Post. Resized to 50%. Place on the right side of the canvas behind tube layer.

69 Rocks/Grass. Resized to 35%. Bottom right above Mooring post. Behind tube.

125 fishing Rod. Resized to 55%. Image -  Mirror. Position on the right above grass as though its resting against the mooring post.

68 Fish on twine. Resized to 25%. Bottom of tag behind tube above water.

Merge all layers. Crop to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo

Same tag using the artwork of Eskada also at Pics for design 

Tags by Silvia

Animated Tag by Betsy

Thursday, 27 July 2017

New Tutorial by Rhonda 'The Raven' Ptu

Rhonda @ Rhonda's Rockin Designz has been working her Psp magic again and created this stunning new tag/tutorial using my template#15. Beautiful job Rhonda thank you again for mine.You can find her tutorial HERE

Monday, 24 July 2017

FTU Eastern Beauty

This tutorial was written by myself. This tag is my own idea and creation.
Any similarity to any other tutorial or tag is co incidental.
Please read my tutorial basics (located top left sidebar) before you begin.

Supplies Needed
Ftu scrap kit 'Desert Rose' by Graphics of  Fantasy Designs  HERE
Tube Of Choice. I have used 'Magic travel book' by Misticheskaya at  Pics For Design
Font used Talismanica

Filters Used 
Mura's Meister - Copies
PhotoEffex - Scanlines

Open a new image 700 x 700.
From kit c/paste frame 6 and resize to 70%.
Using magic wand tool click in centre of frame to float inner.
Selections - Modify - Expand by 5.
From kit, c/paste the masked desert image (located in the papers folder) Move below frame layer.
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select none.
Duplicate the desert image, d/shadow frame, merge visible.

C/paste Element 42 - Palms. Resize to 50%. Position left of canvas behind frame. Duplicate and mirror copy to right. Merge both layers. D/shadow

C/paste Element 4 - Sand Hills. Resize to 65%. Position Bottom left of Image above the frame. Duplicate and Mirror copy to the right.
This is where we should be at this point.

C/paste Element 56 Foliage. Resize to 30 % and rotate right by 90 degrees.
Apply Mura's Copies - Encircle. See settings below.

Now go to Effects - Image Effects - Offset and change the horizontal value to -60 this will position the encircle to the left.
Duplicate layer and mirror the copy to the right. Merge down and move your merged layer behind all other layers at the bottom of your layer palette. 
Duplicate again. Go to Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorise. Change the colour of the layer to tie in with your chosen tube. I changed mine to Hue 230 Saturation 76.
Resize layer to 98%.
Now go back to the original Green copy and apply PhotoEffex - Scanlines.
Settings below.

 C/paste your tube.  Position it off centre more towards the right of the image. D/shadow.

Continue to build up your tag using desired elements from kit. D/shadow as you go. 
I used...

Element 40 Cushions. Resized to 50%. Position to the bottom right behind tube layer.

Element 18 Perfume Bottle. Resized to 50%. Bottom right  above Cushions behind tube layer.

Element 22 Blue Perfume Bottle. Resized to 30. Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorise.
Same settings as used for Encircle. Position bottom right above Perfume Bottle.

Element 20 Lillies. Resized to 35%. Rotate right by 25 degrees. Bottom right behind Perfume Bottle above Cushions.

Element 19 Gold Frame. Resized to 30%. Bottom right behind lillies.

Element 4 Sand Hill. Resized to 20%. Bottom right above Perfume Bottles behind tube.

Element 9 Lantern. Resized to 65%. Position left of image above Sand Hills.

Element 24 Yellow Floral. Resized to 45%. Place behind tube layer above lantern. Duplicate. Mirror the copy and move to bottom far left of image.

Element 53 Pink Floral. Resized to 45%. Position bottom left above yellow florals. Behind tube layer.

Element 6 Butterfly. Resized to 45%. Mirror. Far left behind yellow floral. Above lantern.

Element 58 Tiger. Resized to 55%. Place on the left behind lantern.

Element 20 Lillies. Resized to 40%. Mirror. Place far left behind tiger.

Element 16 Spiral Sparkle. Resized to 45%. Position bottom left above florals and lantern. Duplicate and move copy to top right of image.

Merge all layers. Crop to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo

Tag by Silvia 

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