Sunday, 28 July 2013

FTU Hot Fuzz

Hot fuzz was written by Myself on 28th July 2013. It is my own idea and creation. Any similarity to any other tag or tutorial is co incidental.

Supplies Needed

Tube of choice. I have used the brilliant artwork of Cris DeLara. Available from Up Your Art   HERE

Fabulous Ftu Scrap Kit is 'Married To My Hero' by Amy & Leah @ Gimptastic Tuts   HERE 
Kit is a Facebook Fan Freebie. Don't forget to leave a little love :)

Mask Wsl 76 By Chelle   HERE

Filters Used
PhotoEffex - Scanlines

Open a new image 700 x 700. C/paste Mask element from kit centrally on your canvas.
Open Frame 1 and c/paste as a new layer above the mask. Re size frame to 80% and rotate 90 degrees.
Using magic wand tool, click in centre of frame to float. Selections - Modify - Expand by 2. C/paste paper of choice from kit ( I used paper 2 )  Invert the selection and hit delete. Select none. Move fill layer below frame and apply PhotoEffex - Scanlines on default setting. Drop shadow the frame and change it's blend mode to Difference.

C/paste your tube. Position above the frame and apply a drop shadow. If like me you are using a half tube, duplicate and place the copy behind the frame and neaten the top copy with eraser tool so that it fits nicely in the bottom edge of frame.

Go back to Mask element in layer palette and Selections - select all - float. C/paste your tube again. Position inside the bottom left of the selection. Invert and hit delete. Select none. Change blend mode of tube to Luminance and apply PhotoEffex - Scanlines, again with default settings. Now duplicate and mirror the copy to right side of Mask element. Use the eraser tool to remove tube that shows along bottom edge of Mask and frame.

C/paste Chain element. Re size to 60% and position bottom left of canvas behind the Mask element. Duplicate and mirror copy to bottom right. Merge the 2 layers, shadow and duplicate again. Move the duplicated chain layer to the top of canvas. 

C/paste Crime Tape and re size to 80%. Duplicate. Place 1 copy top left of frame behind tube layer and rotate to left by 2. The other copy place at bottom right of frame and rotate to the right by 6. D/shadow.

C/paste Badge 1. Re size 40% position bottom left of frame and rotate left by 10. D/shadow.

C/paste Cuffs 1. Re size 50% and rotate to the right by 10. Position top right of frame and d/shadow.

Mask Layer - C/paste paper of choice from kit ( I used paper 6 ) and move to bottom of layer palette. Load mask from disk - fit to layer. In layer palette delete mask and merge group. Re size layer  to 122% and apply Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass. Settings below.

Merge layers. Crop/re size and sharpen to your liking. Add name and relevant copyright and tube licence info. Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope that you are pleased with the results.
Sal :)

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

FTU Blue Hawaii

Blue Hawaii was written by myself on 23rd July 2013. It is my own idea and creation. Any similarity to any other tag or tutorial is co incidental. 

Supplies Needed

Tube of choice. I have used the amazing artwork of Arthur Crowe  HERE

Gorgeous Ftu scrap kit is Tropical Paradise by Karra @ Karra's Kreative Korner  HERE
You ll find the kit as part of a 21 kit bundle of  fab former Ptu kits that Karra has retired and offered to us for free, so please leave a thank you when downloading :)

Mask Wsl 133 by Chelle  HERE

Filters Used
Xero - Radiance
PhotoEffex - Scanlines

Open a new image 700 x 700. C/paste Frame 4 re size to 90%. Selections - Select all - Float. C/paste paper 10 as a new layer. De float - invert the selection and hit delete. Select none and delete original frame. Apply 3D Effects - Inner Bevel to new frame... settings I used below.

Using your selection tool  ( settings below ) Create a rectangle selection roughly 3mm from the edge on the inside of the frame ( see pic )

Promote selection to layer and select none. Now go back to selections menu and re float the promoted selection. C/paste paper 2. De float - Invert - Delete. Apply same bevel as used previously and delete promoted selection layer.

Now to fill the inside of frame. Click in centre of frame with magic wand to float. Selections - Modify - expand by 4. C/paste paper 8. Invert and hit delete. Select none and move fill layer below frame. Add a drop shadow to both frames.

C/paste your tube and position above the frame. Apply Xero - Radiance to your liking and drop shadow.

C/paste Element Palm tree 1. Mirror and position above right side of frame behind tube. Use eraser tool to remove lower half of trunk that exceeds below bottom of frame. D/shadow.

C/paste Element  - Sun. Adjust - Color Balance - Manual Color Correction to change the colour from yellow to reddy orange. Position top left behind frame and apply PhotoEffex - Scanlines on default settings.

C/paste Element -Tall Grass. Re size 90 %.  Position left of tag behind frame. Duplicate and mirror copy to right. D/ shadow.

Continue to add elements of choice from kit and drop shadow to your liking... I used

Flowers - 105%. Along bottom of frame above tube layer.

Coconut- 35% - Rotate left by 12. Bottom left of tag. Behind flowers.

Flower 1 - 40%. Bottom left, behind coconut. I lightened using Radiance.

Lei - Left of tag behind tube.

Parrot - 30%. Top right of tag behind Palm Tree.

Martini - 65%. Bottom right behind flowers.

Pineapple - 50% - Mirror. Bottom right behind Martini.

Lily - 90% - Rotate left by 30. Bottom right behind Pineapple. Use eraser tool to remove stem that exceeds beyond flowers.

Mask Layer. C/paste paper 8 and move to bottom of layer palette. Re size 110%. Load mask from disk - fit to layer. In layer palette, delete mask and merge group. Use raster deform tool to stretch and position.

Merge layers. Crop/re size and sharpen to your liking. Add name and relevant copyright and tube licence info. Save as Png.

Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope that you are pleased with your tag.
Sal :)

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Tut & Tag Show Off - FTU Fun In The Sun By Rhonda

Rhonda has written a fabulous new ftu tutorial using Template 48. I just love the colours.Thank you Rhonda, my tag is gorgeous. Visit her blog 'Rhonda's rockin designz'  HERE to check it out. 

Thursday, 11 July 2013

FTU Oceans Daughter

Oceans Daughter was written by Myself on 10th July 2013. It is my own idea and creation. Any similarity to any other tag or tutorial is co incidental. 

Supplies Needed.
Tube -I have used 'Dark Mermaid 2' the gorgeous artwork of The Hunter now available from SATC  HERE
Fab Ftu Scrapkit is 'Anarchy Mermaid' by Bibi's Collection  HERE
Please leave a thank you when downloading :)
I used 2 masks, wsl 95 and wsl 96 by Chelle  HERE

Filters Used
Xero - Radiance

Open a new image 700 x 700. C/paste Paper 5 as a new layer. Re size to 75%. Using wsl mask 95 - Load mask from disk - Fit to layer. In layer palette delete mask and merge group. Adjust gaussian blur by 1.

Add a new raster layer and flood fill with black. Using wsl mask 96 - Load mask from disk - Fit to layer. In layer palette delete mask and merge group. Duplicate this mask layer and move copy to the bottom of layer palette below first mask layer (mask 95) and re size to 110%. Reduce opacity to 75 on both black mask layers.

 C/paste Element 1 - Ships Wheel as a new layer. D/ shadow. Using your freehand selection tool draw a rough circle within the edges of the wheel. ( pic below )

C/paste a close up of your tube. Apply Xero - Radiance to suit. Position within the selection. Selections menu - invert and hit delete. Select none and move tube layer below wheel layer. Change blend mode of tube to hard light and opacity to 90%.

C/paste Element 81 - Wire. Re size to 50%. Position top left of image behind wheel and close up layer. Duplicate the wire and Image - Mirror - Flip the copy to the bottom right of image. Merge the 2 wire layers and duplicate again. Rotate the copy right by 90 degrees and merge layer down again. Apply a shadow and use your eraser tool to remove wire that shows above tube on the left side of the inner wheel.
Above this layer C/paste Element 75 - Bubbles. D/shadow.

Copy, paste and position your main tube. Duplicate. On the top copy adjust gaussian blur by 3 and change blend mode to soft light. D/shadow the original ( bottom ) copy.

Work desired elements from kit around your tube and d/shadow to your liking. I used ....

62 Orange Weed - Mirror. Rotate left by 12 degrees. Position to right, behind tube, above wheel.

64 Black Anemone - Re size 70%. Bottom right of tag above orange weed. Shadow.

42 Black Flower - Re size 50%. Mirror. Bottom right above Anemone.

76 Large Bubbles - Right of tag. Behind tube.

67 Sea Plant - Re size 60%. Mirror. Adjust gaussian blur by 1. Opacity at 80%. Bottom of tag behind tube.

67 Sea Plant - Re size 50%. Mirror, Above and to the left of previous copy.

59 Angel Fish - Re size 50%. Behind copy 2 of Sea Plant.

31 Sea Flower - Re size 30%. Bottom left of tag above Sea Plant.

77 Bottle - Re size 45%. Rotate left by 7. Bottom left of tag behind Sea flower.

27 Star Fish - Re size 40%. Bottom left behind Sea Flower.

61 Red Weed. Mirror. Left of tag. Behind wire layer. Opacity 80%.

61 Red Weed. Re size 25%. Bottom above the Bottle behind Sea Flower. Duplicate and move copy to the left behind  Sea Flower.

2 Jellyfish - 50%. Left of tag above wheel.

Merge Layers. Re size/crop and sharpen to your liking. Add name and relevant copyright and licence info. Save as Png.

Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag.
Sal :)

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