Sunday, 27 April 2014

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

*** New Releases from Roman Zaric ***

*** Hot New Releases***
From Roman Zaric
Including the fabulous *War Girl*
Exc Matching kit by Desirena Designs
Both available in store

Thursday, 17 April 2014


*** Amazing New Releases from Arthur ***
Including the Awesome ' Funny Relvolver '
Fabulous Matching Exc kit by Kizzed by Kelz 

Friday, 11 April 2014

***New From Ismael Rac *** 2014 Spring Breeze Girl

***New Releases in store now***

Fabulous new releases from Ismael
including the Gorgeous and Multilayered...2014 Spring Breeze Girl
Exc matching kit from Kizzed by Kelz and new bonus tubes
All available in store now

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Tag Haven Blog train - Pump Up The Volume

Fot my part of the train I have made some masks.
Just click for original size and right click to save.

There are lots of fabulous goodies to collect so
Don't forget to visit all the stops along the way and leave some love as you go :)

Fired By Flamin PSP - You are here

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

*** COMING SOON *** Stacy by Jose Cano

New from Jose Cano.. the fabulous 'Stacy'
Exc matching Kit by MistyLynns Creations
Both available soon 

Saturday, 5 April 2014

*** New Release - Tony T***

***New Release*** 
Super 'Cute Cindy' from Tony T
Exc Matching Kit by Desirena Designs 
Both available in store now.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

FTU Easter Egg Hunt

**CT Tutorial for Jenny at Jenny's Designz using her FTU Kit 'Easter Colors' and tube by Alehandra Vanhek**

This tutorial was written my Myself. It is my own idea and creation. 
Any similarity to any other tag or tutorial is co incidental.

Supplies Needed

Tube of choice.. I have used the beautiful artwork of Alehandra Vanhek available at

Gorgeous Ftu Scrap kit ' Easter Colors'  by Jenny at Jenny's Designz

Please leave Jenny a thank you when taking this fab freebie :)

Plug ins Used

Mura's Copies - Encircle

Open a new image 700 x 700.
From kit c/paste frame 4 and position centre of canvas.
Re size 115 %. 
Duplicate and change blend mode of top copy to screen. Merge down. (Repeat)
Using magic wand tool click in centre of frame to float the inner.
Selections - Modify - Expand by 2.
C/paste paper 8 re sized to 90%. Move below Frame.
Selections - Invert - Delete.
Select none. D/shadow frame and merge down.

From kit c/paste Element Grass 3 re sized to 65%.
Position along bottom of Frame. Duplicate, merge down.
Above Grass 3, centre bottom of frame c/paste Element Mushrooms 2. D/shadow.

C/paste your tube to the left of the canvas/frame and d/shadow.
If like me your using a half tube, position above the frame behind the grass to disguise where the tube ends.

C/paste element Tree 2 re size to 75%. Position bottom right of canvas behind Frame. Duplicate and mirror copy to left. Merge down, use eraser tool to remove tree stumps and reduce opacity to 80%.

C/paste Element Flower 1. Re size to 50 %. Position bottom right of canvas behind Mushrooms 2. Duplicate and mirror copy to left. Move behind tube. D/shadow.

Continue to add desired elements from kit and d/shadow to your liking. I used...

Flower 2 - 20%. Bottom right behind Mushrooms above Flower 1. Duplicate and move copy up slightly behind Flower 1.

Flower 7 - 25%. Bottom left behind Mushrooms above Flower 1. Duplicate and move copy up slightly behind Flower 1.

Egg Tree - 85%.  Top of canvas. Above Frame, behind tube layer.

Butterflies - 85%. Left of canvas above Egg Tree, behind tube layer.

Frame 2 - 85%. Top left behind Frame.

Chick - 30 %. Bottom of canvas. Above Mushrooms.

Egg 2 - 60%. Bottom right behind Grass above Frame.

Egg 5 - 80%. Rotate left by 21. Bottom left above Frame behind tube/flowers.

Egg 6 - 35%. Rotate right by 40. Bottom of canvas behind Chick.

Grass 1 - 75%. Apply Mura's - Copies - Encircle (settings below) Position at bottom of layer palette behind all other layers. Run eraser tool along bottom of tag to remove any Pink  that shows beneath Green Grass.

Flower 7 - 50 %  Again apply the Copies - Encircle. Same settings but adjust amount to 14.
Position above Grass 1 behind Frame and use eraser tool to neaten along bottom.

Merge all layers. Crop/re size to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo

Arthur Crowe ** New Releases**

Drop by Arthur's Store and check out his fabulous new releases.

Tags Made using Bat Fairy and matching exclusive kit by Kizzed by Kelz

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