CT Tutorial using PTU kit **Pink Lemonade** by Lori at Scrap it Studio and tube by Alex Prihodko
This tutorial was written my Myself. It is my own idea and creation.
Any similarity to any other tag or tutorial is co incidental.
Supplies Needed
Tube of choice. I have used the beautiful artwork of Alex Prihodko at
Pics For Design
Scrap kit - Gorgeous PTU Pink Lemonade by Lori at
Scrap It Studio
Template by Me
Font used - Tall trees
Filters/Plug Ins
EyeCandy - HSB Noise
Xero - Radiance
Mura's Meister - Copies
Open template, duplicate and close original. Delete credits and background.
In layer palette - Layer 1 - Selections - Select all - Float.
From kit c/paste paper 25.
De float - Invert - Delete. Select none.
Change blend mode to and merge down with temp layer. D /shadow
Layer palette - Layer 2 - Selections - Select all - Float.
C/paste Paper 15.
De Float - Invert - Delete.
Select none. Delete temp layer.
Apply Xero - Radiance twice (Settings below) D/shadow.
Layer Palette - Merge layers 3 and 4.
Selections - Select all - Float.
C/paste paper 22 re sized to 80%.
De float - Invert - Delete.
Select none. Delete temp layer and d/shadow.
Move this layer below layer 1.
Layer Palette - Layer 5.
Using Manual Color Correction change colour to your liking. I took a soft pink from my tube.
Apply EyeCandy - Hsb Noise (settings below) D/shadow.
Layer Palette - layer 6 - Selections - Select all - Float.
C/paste paper 12 re sized to 80%.
De float - Invert - Delete. Select None.
Change blend mode to Overlay.
From Kit, C/paste Flower 1 re sized to 25%. Apply Mura's Copies - Encircle (Settings below)
Position behind layer 6 above layer 5. Duplicate and change blend mode of top copy to screen.
D/shadow the bottom copy.
C/paste Fruit slice 1. Duplicate twice so 3 copies in all.
Move copy 1 to bottom of canvas and position above layer 7.
Copy 2 re size to 80% and position above layer 8. Change blend mode to luminance legacy.
Copy 3 re size to 50% and position above layer 9. Duplicate again and change blend mode of top copy to screen. D/shadow all.
C/paste your tube above the temp layers, behind the word art and position off centre on the right. Apply Xero - Radiance to suit your tube and d/shadow.
Continue to add elements of choice from kit and position around the tube and temp layers.D/shadow to your liking. I used...
Pink Ice - Position top left behind template layers. Duplicate and mirror copy to right. Merge down. Use Manual color correction to change colour from pink to yellow.
C/paste element again and this time re size to 50%. Leave as pink. Make it so you have 4 copies in all and place 1 at each corner of the tag.
Bottles - 80%. Position bottom right. Behind tube layer. Above temp layers.
Bow 2 - Flip - Rotate right by 30. Position bottom left above Pink Ice, behind Fruit Slices.
Bird - Position to the left of tube behind Fruit Slices. Duplicate. Re size copy to 80% and mirror. Place above the original.
Button 2 - Place to the right of tube. Above this place Flower 5 re sized to 55%. Duplicate flower and change blend mode of top copy to screen. Merge down with original flower. D/shadow flower then merge down with Button. Duplicate this merged layer and place bottom left of tag above Bow, behind Fruit Slices.
Frame 4 - 50 %. - Rotate left by 30. Place top left corner above the circular temp layer. Behind the top rectangular layer. Duplicate. Mirror copy to right and merge down. Set opacity to 60.
Flower 4 - 45%. Bottom right above tube, behind word art. Duplicate, change blend mode of top copy to screen.
Flower 1 - 25%. Place at the bottom of tag, above Fruit Slice behind word art. Duplicate, change blend mode of top copy to screen.
Paper Curl 1 - 60%. Position on the left behind Button/Fruit Slice. Duplicate and mirror copy to right behind Bottles.
Merge all layers. Crop/re size to your liking. I usually sharpen at this point rather than each separate element as I go along. Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask 5.0 - 30 -5.
Add name and relevant artist copyright and tube licence info.
Save as Png.
Thank you for stopping by and trying this tutorial. I hope you are pleased with your tag. Sal xoxo